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GIT HashBranchDateAuthorLog Message
9817fc81 [view]master2011-03-06 22:43:44 +0000samelian[tqtinterface] [dependencies/tqtinterface] added few definitions in tqt.h, which fixes kdepim FTBFS
5fb135a4 [view]master2011-03-06 21:04:55 +0000samelian[tdepim] [kdepim/kioslaves] do not build sieve kioslave when missing sasl support
ce35309a [view]master2011-03-06 19:18:16 +0000samelian[other] [kde-common/cmake] FindTDE.cmake: check for makekdewidgets
b337a1ca [view]master2011-03-06 19:18:16 +0000samelian[tde-cmake] [kde-common/cmake] FindTDE.cmake: check for makekdewidgets
27d6a8f1 [view]master2011-03-06 19:06:49 +0000samelian[tdepim] [kdepim/libkcal] check if libical version is equal or greater than 0.46
2c9d3dc0 [view]master2011-03-06 08:33:00 +0000samelian[tdepim] [kdepim] ConfigureChecks: cleanup GPGME_INCLUDE_DIRS and GPGME_LIBRARIES only if they really contain something
b67ece77 [view]master2011-03-05 23:54:57 +0000samelian[tdepim] [kdepim]: initial cmake support for following subpackages: akregator, certmanager, kaddressbook, kalarm, kioslaves, kmail, ktnef, libemailfunctions, libkcal, libkdenetwork, libkdepim, libkmime, libkpgp, libkpimidentities, libksieve, mimelib
a944b18a [view]master2011-03-04 11:22:29 +0000samelian[tdegraphics] [kdegraphics/kruler] added forgotten DESTINATION directive
2a98648e [view]master2011-03-03 18:00:39 +0000tpearson[amarok] Fix invalid constructor for new GCC
cf72a0f7 [view]master2011-03-03 16:11:38 +0100Christian Beier[libtdevnc] Call WSAGetLastError() everywhere errno is read after a Winsock call.
Winsock does NOT update errno for us, we have fetch the last error
manually using WSAGetLastError().
25accf19 [view]master2011-03-02 00:12:15 +0000samelian[tdebase] [kdebase/klipper] added Xfixes support, klipper do not crashing anymore
1519ab4c [view]master2011-03-01 02:35:56 +0000samelian[tdegraphics] [kdegraphics/kruler] initial cmake support (made by Calvin Morrison)
c3809fce [view]master2011-02-28 22:51:39 +0000samelian[tdegraphics] [kdegraphics/kview] initial cmake support
0c7d4bb7 [view]master2011-02-28 03:25:47 +0000tpearson[tdebase] Fix the following problems under Qt4:
* Konsole compilation failure
* ksplash exit failure
* kicker rounded tip masking behaviour
* kwin auto-exit issue
5194b175 [view]master2011-02-28 03:20:39 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Fix icon activation glich under Qt4
746a2c4f [view]master2011-02-28 03:18:35 +0000tpearson[arts] Fix Qt namespace conflicts in arts
f7670c19 [view]master2011-02-24 20:07:57 +0000tpearson[tdewebdev] Runtime object naming repaired in kdewebdev
NOTE: runtime object naming still needs to be checked for stray "Q*" strings
47538a3d [view]master2011-02-24 20:07:57 +0000tpearson[tqtinterface] Runtime object naming repaired in kdewebdev
NOTE: runtime object naming still needs to be checked for stray "Q*" strings
c0183f5d [view]master2011-02-24 07:48:59 +0000tpearson[tdevelop] Runtime object naming repaired in kdevelop
NOTE: kdewebdev is still an outstanding issue
62f34470 [view]master2011-02-24 07:48:59 +0000tpearson[tqtinterface] Runtime object naming repaired in kdevelop
NOTE: kdewebdev is still an outstanding issue
f81a494f [view]master2011-02-24 07:08:32 +0000tpearson[tdeedu] Fix a number of runtime object identification problems which led to an even larger array of minor glitches
NOTE: kdevelop and kdewebdev still need to be fully repaired
f1fdec42 [view]master2011-02-24 07:08:32 +0000tpearson[tdebase] Fix a number of runtime object identification problems which led to an even larger array of minor glitches
NOTE: kdevelop and kdewebdev still need to be fully repaired
f1abfebc [view]master2011-02-24 07:08:32 +0000tpearson[tdeutils] Fix a number of runtime object identification problems which led to an even larger array of minor glitches
NOTE: kdevelop and kdewebdev still need to be fully repaired
db224625 [view]master2011-02-24 07:08:32 +0000tpearson[tdesdk] Fix a number of runtime object identification problems which led to an even larger array of minor glitches
NOTE: kdevelop and kdewebdev still need to be fully repaired
c7d82172 [view]master2011-02-24 07:08:32 +0000tpearson[tdebindings] Fix a number of runtime object identification problems which led to an even larger array of minor glitches
NOTE: kdevelop and kdewebdev still need to be fully repaired
b863b99f [view]master2011-02-24 07:08:32 +0000tpearson[tqtinterface] Fix a number of runtime object identification problems which led to an even larger array of minor glitches
NOTE: kdevelop and kdewebdev still need to be fully repaired
aca84468 [view]master2011-02-24 07:08:32 +0000tpearson[tdenetwork] Fix a number of runtime object identification problems which led to an even larger array of minor glitches
NOTE: kdevelop and kdewebdev still need to be fully repaired
a21c1c9b [view]master2011-02-24 07:08:32 +0000tpearson[tdepim] Fix a number of runtime object identification problems which led to an even larger array of minor glitches
NOTE: kdevelop and kdewebdev still need to be fully repaired
9cbbf053 [view]master2011-02-24 07:08:32 +0000tpearson[tdewebdev] Fix a number of runtime object identification problems which led to an even larger array of minor glitches
NOTE: kdevelop and kdewebdev still need to be fully repaired
9154a0f8 [view]master2011-02-24 07:08:32 +0000tpearson[konversation] Fix a number of runtime object identification problems which led to an even larger array of minor glitches
NOTE: kdevelop and kdewebdev still need to be fully repaired
8d92c3c2 [view]master2011-02-24 07:08:32 +0000tpearson[tdetoys] Fix a number of runtime object identification problems which led to an even larger array of minor glitches
NOTE: kdevelop and kdewebdev still need to be fully repaired
771e57c6 [view]master2011-02-24 07:08:32 +0000tpearson[tdeartwork] Fix a number of runtime object identification problems which led to an even larger array of minor glitches
NOTE: kdevelop and kdewebdev still need to be fully repaired
6803a8bb [view]master2011-02-24 07:08:32 +0000tpearson[tdegraphics] Fix a number of runtime object identification problems which led to an even larger array of minor glitches
NOTE: kdevelop and kdewebdev still need to be fully repaired
4ddfca38 [view]master2011-02-24 07:08:32 +0000tpearson[tdemultimedia] Fix a number of runtime object identification problems which led to an even larger array of minor glitches
NOTE: kdevelop and kdewebdev still need to be fully repaired
3a3c4b25 [view]master2011-02-24 07:08:32 +0000tpearson[tdeaccessibility] Fix a number of runtime object identification problems which led to an even larger array of minor glitches
NOTE: kdevelop and kdewebdev still need to be fully repaired
28042add [view]master2011-02-24 07:08:32 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Fix a number of runtime object identification problems which led to an even larger array of minor glitches
NOTE: kdevelop and kdewebdev still need to be fully repaired
170a65dc [view]master2011-02-24 07:08:32 +0000tpearson[tdevelop] Fix a number of runtime object identification problems which led to an even larger array of minor glitches
NOTE: kdevelop and kdewebdev still need to be fully repaired
147b8fea [view]master2011-02-24 07:08:32 +0000tpearson[amarok] Fix a number of runtime object identification problems which led to an even larger array of minor glitches
NOTE: kdevelop and kdewebdev still need to be fully repaired
841194d1 [view]master2011-02-23 03:39:57 +0000tpearson[tdebase] Fix kicker minipager hover shading issue under Qt3
f0023a83 [view]master2011-02-21 18:45:09 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Support kernel >= 2.6.36
Thanks to Novell and Ilya
dd6a247c [view]master2011-02-19 10:55:30 +0000tpearson[tdebase] Fix ugly kdesktop shadow pixmap edges
4dc0617c [view]master2011-02-18 15:51:10 +0000samelian[tdevelop] [kdevelop] fixed gcc-4.5 incompatibilities
8937c60b [view]master2011-02-18 15:18:46 +0000samelian[tdebase] [kdebase/kdebase] fixed pam support
90fb8275 [view]master2011-02-17 21:04:21 +0000samelian[tdebase] [kdebase] fixed an incompatibility with gcc 4.5
62d57e5f [view]master2011-02-17 01:04:48 +0000tpearson[tqtinterface] kdepim compilation fix
36db85cd [view]master2011-02-16 23:44:50 +0000tpearson[tqtinterface] Even more kdepim fixes
615c777c [view]master2011-02-16 23:30:19 +0000tpearson[tqtinterface] Yet another kdepim build fix
764b9b12 [view]master2011-02-16 23:20:23 +0000tpearson[tqtinterface] Fix additional kdepim build failures
2a646802 [view]master2011-02-16 22:45:29 +0000tpearson[tqtinterface] Fix kdepim compilation error
084c86a8 [view]master2011-02-16 20:37:55 +0000tpearson[tdepim] Remove unused dcopidlng local copy
f4fae92b [view]master2011-02-16 20:17:18 +0000tpearson[tdepim] Moved kpilot from kdepim to applications, as the core Trinity libraries should not contain hardware-dependent software
cb7eddb9 [view]master2011-02-16 20:17:18 +0000tpearson[kpilot] Moved kpilot from kdepim to applications, as the core Trinity libraries should not contain hardware-dependent software
b3722d56 [view]master2011-02-16 00:49:49 +0000tpearson[tdebase] Fixed invalid constructor per GCC 4.5.2
125c0a08 [view]master2011-02-15 23:37:35 +0000samelian[tdepim] [kdepim/akregator] removed useless declarations
cc0ad49c [view]master2011-02-15 19:15:16 +0000tpearson[tdebase] Allow kdebase to (mostly) function correctly with TQt for Qt4
Fix kicker tackbar handling under Classic mode (thanks to Ilya Chernykh for the patch)
Fix a newly invalidated section of code under GCC 4.5.2 (
374d939d [view]master2011-02-15 19:11:41 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Allow kdelibs to function correctly with TQt for Qt4
9fcdd371 [view]master2011-02-15 19:09:31 +0000tpearson[tqtinterface] Bring interface back in line with new version of TQt for Qt4
f9279733 [view]master2011-02-15 00:57:32 +0000samelian[tdelibs] [kdelibs/dcop] link libX11 to dcopquit
c9b5a85c [view]master2011-02-15 00:32:01 +0000samelian[tdelibs] [kdelibs] check for ltdl.h; avahi support are optional
b89a6a02 [view]master2011-02-15 00:22:39 +0000samelian[tdelibs] [kdelibs/dcop] link libX11 to dcop
67b16cdf [view]master2011-02-02 20:27:27 +0100Christian Beier[libtdevnc] Include CMakeLists.txt file in dist tarball.
617a5f8b [view]master2011-01-31 12:04:30 -0600Johannes Schindelin[libtdevnc] Remove completely broken Visual Studio project files
If people seriously consider building with Visual Studio, there is
always CMake.
Pointed out by Christian Beier.
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin
824644d0 [view]master2011-01-31 18:18:08 +0100Christian Beier[libtdevnc] SDLvncviewer: fix compilation from dist tarball.
Signed-off-by: Christian Beier
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin
f007f85c [view]master2011-01-31 06:26:14 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Convert qt_cast() to ::qt_cast<>
This should fix some random segfaults
It needs to be tested to make sure that interfaces still work,
e.g. kate/kwrite interfaces in interface/ktexteditor
1de37a21 [view]master2011-01-31 05:34:19 +0000tpearson[tqtinterface] Qt4 compat
f5b96e57 [view]master2011-01-29 19:34:12 +0100Christian Beier[libtdevnc] Update minilzo library used for Ultra encoding to ver 2.04.
According to the minilzo README, this brings a significant
speedup on 64-bit architechtures.
Changes compared to old version 1.08 can be found here:
Signed-off-by: Christian Beier
558a58e0 [view]master2011-01-29 18:43:06 +0100Christian Beier[libtdevnc] Remove unneeded files concerning CVS.
We have a git repo nowadays and I guess we won't go back to CVS.
Signed-off-by: Christian Beier
c6ea5f2c [view]master2011-01-29 01:39:00 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Remaining tqqt_cast->qt_cast conversions for kdelibs
9ee4144a [view]master2011-01-29 00:07:20 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Restored qt_cast()
0d772cdc [view]master2011-01-27 19:49:01 +0000samelian[tdelibs] [kdelibs/kglib] added cmake support
2fa036d5 [view]master2011-01-27 19:26:26 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Aviod conflicts with Qt4 namespace members
0d408290 [view]master2011-01-27 19:16:58 +0000tpearson[tqtinterface] Qt4 compat
da24d1f1 [view]master2011-01-27 00:02:21 +0000samelian[tdelibs] [kdelibs] initial support for glib loop support
107dd1f9 [view]master2011-01-26 22:29:12 +0000tpearson[tdebase] Fix recursive repaint
Add Qt4 support to kwin
b5ecd88b [view]master2011-01-26 22:25:47 +0000tpearson[tqtinterface] API fix
946bde4a [view]master2011-01-26 22:23:30 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Patch a few buffer overrun problems and odd crash potentials
375513a2 [view]master2011-01-26 17:19:54 +0000tpearson[tqtinterface] Compilation fix for kdebase
ffe30366 [view]master2011-01-25 17:32:24 +0100Christian Beier[libtdevnc] Put files used by both libs into a 'common' dir.
No functional changes. All files used by _both_ libvncserver and
libvncclient are put into a 'common' directory and references
from other files as well as Autotools and CMake build systems are
Signed-off-by: Christian Beier
9f496007 [view]master2011-01-24 23:32:24 +0100Christian Beier[libtdevnc] libvncserver: Make RRE, CoRRE and Ultra encodings thread-safe.
This adds generic before/after encoding buffers to the rfbClient
struct, so there is no need for thread local storage.
Signed-off-by: Christian Beier
e41eabc5 [view]master2011-01-24 19:41:08 +0000samelian[tdewebdev] [kdewebdev/kfilereplace] added forgotten CMakeListst.txt files
95871d87 [view]master2011-01-24 19:39:12 +0000samelian[tdewebdev] [kdewebdev/kfilereplace] initial cmake support
5ee15978 [view]master2011-01-24 19:30:21 +0000samelian[tdewebdev] [kdewebdev/kfilereplace] compatibility with QT_NO_ASCII_CAST
b6fc43cc [view]master2011-01-23 23:42:11 +0000samelian[tdebase] [kdebase] initial cmake support
cf21ddc3 [view]master2011-01-23 20:22:40 +0000samelian[tdevelop] [kdevelop] initial cmake support
f9c30e41 [view]master2011-01-23 20:11:33 +0000samelian[tdevelop] [kdevelop] compatibility with QT_NO_ASCII_CAST and automoc
45082122 [view]master2011-01-23 18:35:13 +0000samelian[other] [kde-common/cmake] TDEMacros.cmake: added tde_moc macro
2022a265 [view]master2011-01-23 18:35:13 +0000samelian[tde-cmake] [kde-common/cmake] TDEMacros.cmake: added tde_moc macro
d53bf360 [view]master2011-01-23 09:33:56 +0000tpearson[tdebase] Minor compilation enhancements
a20928b6 [view]master2011-01-23 05:12:43 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Styles are now mostly functional under Qt4
96ddb556 [view]master2011-01-23 05:12:11 +0000tpearson[tqtinterface] Minor tweaks
5e213504 [view]master2011-01-22 16:43:44 +0000samelian[tdevelop] [kdevelop] rename CMakeLists.txt to avoid conflicts with cmake build system
436c6739 [view]master2011-01-22 16:20:00 +0000samelian[tdevelop] [kdevelop] rename CMakeLists.txt to avoid conflicts with cmake build system
e7fa6291 [view]master2011-01-21 19:41:34 +0000tpearson[other] Improve Qt4 detection
2a2c4cb1 [view]master2011-01-21 19:41:34 +0000tpearson[admin] Improve Qt4 detection
0406f543 [view]master2011-01-21 19:40:47 +0000tpearson[tdebase] Signal/slot repairs
865c5ed0 [view]master2011-01-21 19:38:53 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Minor cosmetic fixes
030ccf67 [view]master2011-01-21 13:03:40 +0800Vic Lee[libtdevnc] Add ARD (Apple Remote Desktop) security type support
Signed-off-by: Vic Lee
Signed-off-by: Christian Beier
22a64673 [view]master2011-01-20 08:37:31 +0000samelian[tqtinterface] [dependencies/tqtinterface] sync tqt-replace.cmake with tqt-replace
972b980c [view]master2011-01-20 00:07:09 +0000samelian[other] [kde-common/cmake] tde_uic.cmake: copy .ui file locally and run tqt-replace before uic
28ba65c6 [view]master2011-01-20 00:07:09 +0000samelian[tde-cmake] [kde-common/cmake] tde_uic.cmake: copy .ui file locally and run tqt-replace before uic

List generated Sun Mar 16 14:13:42 2025
Currently showing patches 49401 to 49500 of 51646 [View All on Single Page]
Note that you can limit your full-text search to a specific module with the 'module:' keyword. Example: 'module:tdebase <search text>'

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